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Aho, A.V. |
The AWK Programming Language
Albitz, Paul |
DNS & BIND. 3rd Ed.
Bach, M.J. |
The Design of the Unix Operating System
Bellowin, Steven M. |
Firewalls and Internet Security
Bentley, Jon Louis |
Programming Pearls
Blinn, Bruce |
Portable Shell Programming
Boes, Rudolf |
Das Einsteigerseminar UNIX [German]
Bolsky, M.I. |
The new Kornshell. 2nd ed.
Born, Guenther |
Referenzhandbuch Dateiformate. 2. Aufl [German]
Bourne, S.R. |
The Unix System
Cheswick, William R. |
Firewalls and Internet Security
Christian, Kaare |
The UNIX Operating System
Dougherty, Dale |
Sed & Awk. 2nd ed
Egan, Janet I. |
Writing A Unix Device Driver
Eisler, Mike |
Managing NFS and NIS
Estabrook, Gigi (Ed.) |
Sed & Awk. 2nd ed
Frisch, Aeleen |
Essential System Administration. 2nd ed.
Garfinkel, S. |
Practical Unix and Internet Security. 2nd ed.
Garfinkel, Simson |
The UNIX-Haters Handbook
Generaux, T. |
Gilly, Daniel |
UNIX in a Nutshell. 2nd ed.
Goodheart, B. |
The Magic Garden Explained
Gray, Dina |
Unix System Programming. 2nd ed
Group, Waite |
The Waite Group's Tricks of the Unix Masters
Gulbins, Juergen |
Unix. 3. Aufl [German]
Haviland, K. |
Unix System Programming. 2nd ed
Horspool, R.N. |
The Berkeley Unix Environment
Hunt, Craig |
TCP/IP Network Administration TCP/IP Netzwerk Administration [German]
Kernighan, B. |
The AWK Programming Language
Kernighan, Brian W. |
The Unix Programming Environment
Kettle, P. |
Writing Device Drivers for SCO Unix
Korn, D.G. |
The new Kornshell. 2nd ed.
Labiaga, Ricardo |
Managing NFS and NIS
Liu, Cricket |
DNS & BIND. 3rd Ed.
Loukides, Mike |
DNS & BIND. 3rd Ed. System Performance Tuning Unix Power Tools
Mansfield, Niall |
Das Benutzerhandbuch zum X Window-System [German] The X Window-System - A User's Guide.
Moy, John T. |
OSPF: An Anatomy of an Internet Routing Protocol
O'Reilly, Tim |
Unix Power Tools
Pajari, G. |
Writing Unix Device Drivers
Peek, Jerry |
Unix Power Tools
Perlman, Gary |
Unix for Software Developers
Pike, Rob |
The Unix Programming Environment
Quercia, Valerie |
Webmaster in a Nutshell
Rago, Stephen A. |
Unix System V Network Programming
Reimann, Bernd |
Das Einsteigerseminar UNIX [German]
Rieken, Bill |
Adventures in UNIX Network Applications Programming
Robbins, Arnold |
Sed & Awk. 2nd ed
Rochkind, Marc J. |
Advanced Unix Programming
Rosenblatt, Bill |
Learning the Korn Shell
SVR4.2, Unix |
Network Programming Interfaces
Sage, R.G. |
The Waite Group's Tricks of the Unix Masters
Salama, B. |
Unix System Programming. 2nd ed
Salus, Peter H. |
A Quarter Century of UNIX
Smith, Glen |
An Introduction to Shell Scripting
Spafford, G. |
Practical Unix and Internet Security. 2nd ed.
Spainhour, Stephen |
Webmaster in a Nutshell
Statler, S. |
Writing Device Drivers for SCO Unix
Staubach, Gottfried |
Unix-Werkzeuge zur Textmusterverarbeitung [German]
Stephenson, Henry |
Unix: A Developer's Guide
Stern, Hal |
Managing NFS and NIS
Stevens, Richard R. |
TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 2: The Implementation
Stevens, Richard W. |
Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1: The Protocols TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP and the UNIX Domain Protocols UNIX Network Programming: Networking APIs: Sockets and XTI
Strang, J. |
Termcap & Terminfo. 3rd ed
Strassmann, Steven |
The UNIX-Haters Handbook
Teixeira, Thomas J. |
Writing A Unix Device Driver
Todino, Grace |
Using UUCP and Usenet
Vahalia, Uresh |
UNIX Internals: The New Frontiers
Vromans, Johan |
Perl 5 Desktop Reference
Weiman, Lyle |
Adventures in UNIX Network Applications Programming
Weinberger, P. |
The AWK Programming Language
Weise, Daniel |
The UNIX-Haters Handbook
Wittig, Uwe |
X-Window System und OSF/Motif [German]
Wright, Gary R. |
TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 2: The Implementation