Do you like writing shell scripts that just work,
no matter how? Do you think, that a script that already
works cannot be improved? Do you look down on people doing
performance tests on their shell scripts? Do you think comments
are unnecessary, because shell scripts are more frequently
written then read? Then this article is written just for you!
If you answered "no" to the questions above, the
Good shell coding practices section of the
may be a better place for you.
You probably know the difference between "$@"
and $* . Both stand for "all arguments specified
on the command line". "$@" does preserve
whitespace, while $* does not.
Just ignore this certainly neglectable difference. If users
use file names containing whitespace, they will have other
problems than your failing script. Who can expect you to search
the "@" key on your keyboard if the "*" key is so near?
Just use for-loops of the following form:
# remove - remove files
for file in $*
echo "$file does no longer contain whitespace"
rm -f $file
If somebody calls this remove script with the single argument
"/etc/passwd Backup", he should
have expected to lose some data.
If you had written the script in one of the following ways
it would have worked:
for file in "$@"
# ...
or shorter:
for file
# "$file" still contains whitespace...
But why care? Just be sure to include a sentence like
"in case of difficulties restore data from the backup" within
your documentation.
Top of document
Some people try to avoid the cat command as if it
were something evil. They tell you that unnecessary cat
invocations slow down script execution, increase memory usage,
and complicate pipelines.
Don't believe them! Who cares for script execution speeds
and unnecessary processes? cat is such a useful
O.k., these people say
cat file | grep searchstring
could be rewritten as
grep searchstring < file
and every command of the following form
cat onefile | prog1 | prog2
could be rewritten as
prog1 < onefile | prog2
but y'know what?
cat onefile | cat | cat | cat | cat | cat | cat | prog1 | prog2
works as well!
You just can't do something wrong using cat ,
can you? This way you can even win an
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Did you ever write DOS batch files? One annoying "feature"
of the DOS "echo " command was, that the command line
did not result in an empty output line, but in the
message "echo on " or "echo off ".
This obsolete nifty feature could be the reason why
many UNIX shell scripts contain lines like
echo ""
echo "this line is preceeded by an empty line"
echo ""
instead of
echo "the previous line is empty"
Help preserving this last reminiscence of DOS in a
windowing world!
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